Okay, we’re down to the wire. Tomorrow will either be the end of a four year nightmare in the White House or a fresh start, a chance to return to some of our founding principles. So….who do you think is going to win? There is a very cool interactive site called 270towin.com that let’s us play with different scenarios and come up with our own prediction. In addition to myself and Ed Hubbard, we have two political insiders that help in the background at BJP. Here are our predictions, plus that of Michael Barone. I put them in order of most electoral votes for Mitt Romney (click on a map to enlarge it):
Whoo hoo! We all predict Romney winning! Take this post to Starbuck, give ‘em five bucks, and they’ll give you a cup of coffee of your choice!
So what do you think? Hey, at least we put it out there. Try your luck and put your link in the comments. Betcha can’t beat me.
If you are in the Houston television market, be sure and tune in to Click2Houston (Channel 2, NBC affiliate) tomorrow night between 7 and 11. I’ll be on with Chris Bell to discuss the results – if you beat me, I’ll figure out a way to give you a shoutout on air! Also be sure and check the Houston Chronicle’s live Twitter feed – I’ll make sure and mention you there as well.